The second part of the’meeting saw some proposals to solve the problem, with the’speech by Ezio Grasso and Giuseppe Girardi, former councillors of the Minnucci junta. The main criticism of the municipality è given the lack of a medium-term project, and all the’action is focused on solving the’emergency, which forò could prove insufficient già in a few months. Briefly summarizing the proposals one would need to:
- reconsider the relationship with Acea, stipulated when the realityà of the service was completely different from the’current;
- building two water networks to join together the currently used municipal and consortium wells (Al Bucceto, La Riccia, I Grassi). The first network would connect the wells in the central area, the second from Colle Sabazio to Ponton dell’Elk. This solution would allow for better control, an’dearsenification action più effective, and had funds allocated at the time and never used.
- abandon the solution of reverse osmosis plants, which are slightly less expensive than the corresponding modules with polarized Iron Hydroxide filters, have less maintenance, have the advantage of being selective on the’arsenic, without taking away from the’Water the minerals useful for the’human nutrition, and a significantly lower operating cost, so much so that the initial cost difference would be repaid in less than a year only by energy savings.
The committee's proposals seem sensible to us, certainly a starting point on which a’attentive administration should open dialogue with its citizens. Too bad this doesn't look like the’intention of the Anguillara junta.